Trying to Understand Something Difficult? Minimize the Number of Attempts!

When you’re trying to wrap your head around challenging new ideas, your natural instinct may be to chip away at it in several attempts. Read a bit, take a break, come back later - like attacking a mountain ascent in short sprints. This may feel like you’re making progress, but you’re actually doing yourself a disservice. Every time you re-engage with the difficult material, you’re forcing your mind to re-enter a state of intense flow. This refocusing requires mental energy - energy that depletes your limited cognitive resources. Each time you dip back into flow, you have to: ...

August 16, 2023 · Alex Kim

Why Sales Engineers Exist

Paul Graham once wrote that “a startup is a company designed to grow fast.” For a startup to grow fast, especially a B2B startup selling SaaS products to other companies, it needs sales engineers. Sales engineers are the technical experts who work closely with sales teams. They exist because selling enterprise software requires deep technical knowledge that salespeople typical don’t have. The salesperson establishes rapport with the prospect and understands their business needs. But when it comes time to demo the product and answer nitty gritty technical questions, that’s where the sales engineer comes in. ...

August 2, 2023 · Alex Kim

Don’t know what to do next? Teach!

We (esp. those in the tech industry) have an instinctual aversion to pedagogy. “Those who can’t do, teach” the old saying goes. But the truth is the opposite. Teaching does not indicate an inability to do something. On the contrary, teaching empowers and enables ability. It is the highest form of understanding. When you teach something, you gain a deeper mastery over the subject matter than you would as a passive student. As Leonardo da Vinci said: ...

July 31, 2023 · Alex Kim